Kate Chopin - Helped women think about their lives outside of marriage, Kate - Showed women they could didn't have to be dependent on a man., Maya Angelou - She showed how it is possible to lead people with one's voice., Maya A - She helped women understand their inner strength and beauty., Pink - She led young women to understand they are more than a sexy object., Pnk  - She helped young women realize that what they do with their lives are more important than how they look., Coco C - She lead women by creating her own business when very few women had businesses., Coco Chanel - She lead women by showing how one's ideas were valuable and could lead to something., You. How are you a leader? - Tell you group your answer., Your parent (you choose Mom or Dad or grandparent)) - Tell one way he/she leads., One of your teachers. - What is one way that he/she leads? , A caregiver. - Watches a young child to see what it needs.,

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