learn - to get knowledge of a subject or skill by studying, doing it, or being taught, mother tongue - the first language that you learn as a child, native speaker - someone who learned a particular language as their first language rather than as a foreign language, jargon - words and phrases used by people in the same profession that are difficult for other people to understand, fluency - the ability to speak or write a language very well, without stopping or making mistakes, accuracy - the ability to do something in an exact way without making a mistake, employee - someone who receives a salary ( = payment) to work for an organisation, person, or company, research - serious and detailed study of a subject in order to find out new information, get on with someone - to have a good relationship with someone, go grey - when someone's hair changes from its natural colour to grey, usually because of age, go off something - to stop liking something, take responsibility for - to agree to be in charge of something or someone, take after someone - to have the same abilities as an older family member,

SpeakOut 2016, Intermediate, Unit 1, Part 1

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