1) What is the official name of Britain? a) The United Kingdom b) The United Kingdom of Great Britain c) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland 2) How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of? a) two b) three c) four 3) What is the name of the Queen of Great Britain? a) Katherina II b) Elizabeth II c) Victoria II 4) What is the surname of the Queen? a) Elizabeth Middleton b) Elizabeth Windsor c) Elizaabeth Spencer 5) What is the highest mountain in Britain? a) Hoverla b) Ben Nevis c) Ai-Petri 6) What is the national sport in Britain? a) Rugby b) Tennis c) Football 7) What is the national drink in Britain? a) Coca-Cola b) Tea c) Coffee 8) The ravens are famous sight of...? a) London Zoo b) The Tower of London c) The Hyde Park 9) What is the London home of the Queen? a) Buckingham Palace b) Westminster Palace c) Westminster Abbey 10) What is Heathrow a) Airport b) Supermarket c) Industrial center 11) What river is the British capital situated on? a) The Dnipro b) The Mississippi c) The Thames 12) Where is it possible to see a lot of sheep and not many people? a) Wales b) Nothern Ireland c) Scotland

Great Britain and Nothern Ireland

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