Leitmotif - e.g. A theme for Luke, Triplets - 3 in the time of 2, Fanfare - a short ceremonial tune, Pedal - repeated / held note, Nondiegetic - Not heard by characters, Spielberg - Director, Syncopated - Jumpy rhythms, Imitative - Copying an idea, Homorhythmic - All in the same rhythm, Ternary - 3 sections, orchestra - Symphony ................., Bitonal - Two keys at once, Quartal - Chords built on 4ths, Harp - String instrument with pedals, Gong - A large circle, Celesta - small percussive keyboard, Vibraphone - tuned metal bars with vibrato effect, Cluster - Dissonant chord, Atonal - No key, Spencer - Arranger. Herbert .........,

Star Wars - Vocab (search)

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