Agreeing politely : Absolutely., That's exactly how I feel., Exactly., I'm afraid I agree with James., I have to side with Dad on this one., No doubt about it., I see eye to eye with you... , Disagreeing politely : I beg to differ., (strong) I'd say the exact opposite., Not necessarily., That's not always true., That's not always the case., No, I'm not so sure about that., Giving your opinion: I firmly believe that, The way I see it..., If you want my honest opinion...., As far as I'm concerned..., If you ask me..., Interrupting someone politely: Is it okay if I jump in for a second?, If I might add something..., Can I throw my two cents in?, Sorry to interrupt, but..., Asking for someone's opinion: What are your thoughts on all of this?, How do you feel about that?, Do you have anything to say about this?, What do you think?, What's your take on [...]? , Partly agreeing politely : I agree up to a point, but ..., I see your point, but ..., That’s partly true, but ...,

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