Radioactive ____ release ____ from the ____ of their atoms.This radiation can be ____, beta or gamma radiation. The decay of ____ isotopes is completely ____, no one can ____ when an individual ____ might ____. Whilst it ____ possible to say which ____ nucleus will decay ____,because there are so many ____ in a sample it is ____ to calculate how many will ____ over a set period of ____. We can use ____ methods to tell when half the ____ nuclei in a sample will have decayed. This is called ____. Half-life is the ____ it takes for ____ of the unstable ____ in a sample to ____,alternatively it could be ____ as the time it takes for the ____ or count ____ of the sample to halve. Count-rate is the ____ of decays recorded each ____ by a detector, such as the ____ tube.

Activity: half-life and radioactivity.

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