1) What does the Texas Horned Lizard use to camouflage? a) Its bumpy and sand colored skin b) Its ability to squirt blood from its eyes c) It puffing up and hissing 2) How does the Wood frog survive winter? a) Its skin protects it b) It uses sugar as an anti-freeze for its organs c) It digs deep underground until it hits rock 3) Where do the Pompeii worms live? a) They live deep in the Atlantic Ocean under the sand b) They live in colonies near shores c) They hide in rocks and coral d) They live in colonies, deep in the Pacific ocean near vents 4) What does the Frog fish do to lure prey? a) It flails around, acting injured b) It uses a pole with a lure on the tip on its head c) it flashes light patterns d) It uses its neon colored scales 5) Why are Crucifix frogs' skin cross-patterned and bright colored? a) They are poisonous  b) They fell in paint c) They want to attract flies/prey 6) What is the Komodo dragon's secret weapon for hunting prey? a) Its strong and jagged teeth b) Its fast attacks c) Its fatal slashes of its claws d) Its deadly drool with bacteria 7) How does the Frog fish catch prey? a) It uses its extending jaws b) It chases and nip at its prey until it can no longer move c) It sucks it in its mouth when it balloons up 8) What does the Komodo dragon prey on? a) Berries b) Aquatic plants c) Big and small animals, plus insects 9) How does a Crucifix frog catch insects? a) It produces a glue like goo which gets bugs stuck in it b) It hops around trying to catch some c) It waits and pounces on insects when close 10) Do Wood frogs die when they freeze in winter? a) Probably no, due to them having high sugar which acts as an anti-freeze around its organs b) Yes, it stops breathing and perishes

Anh Nguyen Animal Adaptations Science Project/Game


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