nucleolus - Which organelle is responsible for the synthesis of ribosomes?, cytoplasm - Which organelle is responsible for filling the cell with a jelly-like substance, allowing organelles to move?, nucleus - Which organelle is responsible for containing the cell's DNA?, ribosome - Which organelle is responsible for protein synthesis?, rough ER - Which organelle is responsible for the modification and transportation of proteins?, smooth ER - Which organelle is responsible for lipid synthesis and cell detoxification?, Golgi apparatus - Which organelle is responsible for the modification, packaging, and transportation of proteins throughout the cell?, vacuole - Which organelle is responsible for the storage of materials like water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates?, large central vacuole - Which organelle is responsible for maintaining osmotic pressure in plant cells?, lysosome - Which organelle is responsible for using digestive enzymes to break down lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and expired organelles?, cytoskeleton - Which organelle is responsible for maintaining cell shape and movement?, chloroplast - Which organelle is responsible for converting solar energy to chemical energy in the form of glucose?, mitochondria - Which organelle is responsible for breaking down the chemical energy in glucose to form ATP?, cell wall - Which organelle is responsible for supporting, shaping, and protecting the cells of many prokaryotes and eukaryotes such as plants and fungi?, plasma membrane - Which organelle is responsible for regulating what enters and leaves a cell, while also offering protection and support?,
Cell Organelles
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