absent-minded - lost in thought, adventurous - willing to try new or difficult things, or exciting and often dangerous, astonished - very surprised, bad-tempered - describes a person who becomes angry and annoyed easily, be banned - to be forbidden, bow tie - a short piece of cloth tied in the shape of a bow that men sometimes wear around their neck, checked - having a pattern of squares, chino - strong twilled cotton cloth, clumsy - awkward, collar - the part of a piece of clothing around the neck, conform to sth - to obey a rule or reach the necessary stated standard, dress up - wear nice clothes, false teeth - teeth that are not real, but are made to look or seem real, fit - the ability to meet the demands of the environment, get changed - to change clothes, get undressed - to take off, go with sth - to suit each other, hang up - to place upon a hook, hooded - having a hood, invisibility - quality of not being able to be seen, lace - a decorative cloth made by twisting thin thread in delicate patterns with holes in them, loose - free or untied, match - to go with (about clothes), moody - quickly and easily becoming annoyed or unhappy, narrow-minded - not willing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own, old-fashioned - archaic, pattern - a repeated decorative design, plain - not decorated in any way, unenthusiastic - not interested, stubborn - determined to do what he or she wants and refuses to do anything else,
English File Upper, 2b
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