The bog is gloomy., You can see just green grass and some trees everywhere with pools full of water and hillocks with grass over them., But the bog is not dangerous., You can get bogged down here., At the end of the wood he sees two black oaks pointing to the bog and hears an awful cry., Clumsy sees Gracie sinking in the bog., He can't reach the goat because there is water everywhere., But how can he help her on his own?, Suddenly, he has a great idea!, And the butterfly comes and asks Clumsy what he wants. , The bear asks her to find Mr. Beaver to help the goat., So she flies to the river and tells the beaver that Clumsy needs his help., After some time Clumsy sees Mr.Beaver., I heard you need a helping hand., How can I help you?, Mr.Beaver, can you make a brushwood road to save Gracie?, Who is Gracie?, Is it the spooky animal with yellow eyes that roamed through the wood and scared animals away?, She is not scary!, She is the unhappiest animal in the wood! , She is very useful and she is my friend., Well, if she is not dangerous and she is your friend, I'll help you., And Mr.Beaver begins making the road out of wood across to the place where the goat is. , But there aren't enough trees in the bog., There is only one thin tree left between the friends and the goat., And they can't reach the tree., They are upset.,



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