Journaling - When data is written to an NTFS volume, it is re-read, verified, and logged; In the event of a problem, the sector concerned is marked as bad and the data relocated., Indexing - creates a catalog of file and folder locations and properties, speeding up searches., Case-sensitive naming - To support UNIX/Linux compatibility, Microsoft engineered the New Technology File System (NTFS) to support this?, Snapshots - allow the Volume Shadow Copy Service to make read-only copies of files at given points in time, even if the file gets locked by another process., (diskmgmt.msc) - Console related to initializing, partitioning, and formatting disk drives., Initializing disks - You can choose whether to use the master boot record (MBR) or Globally Unique ID (GUID) Partition Table (GPT) partition style for the new disk.; referring to the way the partition information is stored on the disk. , Partitioning - Each disk must have at least one of these; Be Careful there is a serious potential for data loss. , Formatting - The partition must be written with this; this allows Windows/ OS to write and read the files. , Boot Partition - During setup this partition must be formatted as NTFS, System Partition - During setup, this partition must be formatted using FAT32, Repartitioning - The process expanding, removing, or shrinking a partition if there is space/not enough space is what?, Configuring dynamic disks - If you have more than one disk available, you can configure disk redundancy via software RAID using volumes.(deprecated feature) , Storage Spaces - A preferred method of configuring redundant disk configurations. , dfrgui.exe - runs various operations to speed up the performance of HDDs and SSDs., Cleanmgr.exe - Windows utility for removing temporary files to reclaim disk space., NTFS - 64-bit default file system for Windows, with file-by-file compression and RAID support as well as advanced file attribute management tools, encryption, and disk quotas., POSIX Compliance - To support UNIX/Linux compatibility, Microsoft engineered NTFS to support case-sensitive naming, hard links, and other key features required by UNIX/Linux applications., FAT32 - File system that uses a 32-bit allocation table, nominally supporting volumes up to 2 TB. The maximum file size is 4 GB; used for system partition., exFAT - 64 bit disk file system that adds support for larger partitions and file sizes for Linux, Mac, and Windows. , ext3 - 64 bit file system with support for journaling on Linux., ext4 - Newer version of disk file system for Linux thats 64bit and has better performance for the new systems. , APFS - File system that only works with Apple systems. , GPT - Can have up to 128 partitions on a single drive; Windows Max partition is currently 256 TB; The latest partition format standard. , MBR - Max partition size is 2 TB; Has two types of partitions, Primary and Extended. Primary is for Bootable OS files and the Extended is for increasing the number of partitions above 4; You cannot boot from the extended ones though. , Quick Format - This format creates a new file table; The datat seems to be erased but its not; This is the default for Windows 10 and 11; , Full Format - You can use diskpart command in Windows 10 and 11 to bypass the default formatting; Data is unrecoverable and this checks the disk for bad sectors which is very time consuming. ,
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