Belonging - Being known, valued and accepted for who you truly are, Trinity - One God in three persons, Father Son and Holy Spirit, Sin - Failure to Love our neighbor as ourselves, Communion - A sacred community built on inclusion, diversity and love, Real Presence - God is present in the bread and wine, the presider, the word proclaimed and the community, Social Sin - Failure to love as a society or culture, often tied to systemic and historical inequalities, Magis - The Ignatian concept that God invites us into deeper and fuller understanding of ourselves, others and the world around us., Imago Dei - (Latin) the principle that all people are made in God's image, Brave Space - A group or community where individuals are invited to participate and hold each other accountable for words and actions that cause harm., Flourishing - Experiencing the fullness of life, being the person God created you to be, catholic - universal; with a capital C refers to a specific expression of Christianity, sacramentality - A mentality that recognizes the sacred in ordinary things, especially sensory experiences, Reconciliaiton - The process of healing broken relationships and communities, Transformational relationship - A relationship that challenges us to grow and change. Not a transactional relationship., Ruth - Moabite woman whose husband died and committed herself to her mother-in-law, Samaritans - Group of people seen as enemies of Jews during Jesus' time., Paul - Wrote letters to Christian communities about how they can better become the Body of Christ, 2 Great Commandments - Love God and Love your neighbor as yourself, Spiritual Exercises - Ignatius Loyola's process in which people are invited to discover they are loved sinners, called to be women and men for others., The Sinful Woman - Anoints Jesus' feet even though the Pharisees thought she was not worthy.,
Christian Life in Community Semester 1 Review
10th Grade
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