A: Do you want to buy a ____? T: Er … yes. A: You can use the ____ over here. You can ____ cash or ____ and you don’t need to wait. T: Oh, OK. Is the machine in German? A: Yes, but I can help you. Come with me. Where are you going? T: Lausanne. A: ____ or return? T: Return. A: For now, right? T: Yes. And back on Monday. A: Yes, fine. ____ class? Second class? T: Second class is fine. A: OK. Do you want a receipt? T: Yes, please. A: Put your card in here and enter your ____. And here are your tickets and ____. T: When’s the ____ train? A: 9.47. From platform eight.

Outcomes Beginner Unit 5 lesson 2 ex. 10

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