What is the most important holiday you celebrate, and why is it important?, What is one of your favorite foods particular to your home culture?, How important is it to be on time? What happens when you are late?, What is the correct way to address/speak to an elder?, What happens when you question someone in authority?, Do you feel your home culture values your having privacy? Why or why not?, What's more important, your success as an individual or the success of your group?  Why?, What's more important, money and achievement or quality of life? Why?, How do parents in your culture assert their authority?, How do people usually react when something goes wrong (car breaks down, computers at the bank crash when you're there, etc.)?, Which is more prevalent, a desire to uphold traditions or a love of innovation and change? Why do you think that is?, Is it more important to fulfill your obligations or to assert your rights? Why?, Would you consider your culture to be more optimistic or fatalistic? What makes you say that?, Do you think that people from your culture are expressive (show how they are feeling) or reserved (tend to hide their emotions)? Why do think so?, How are expectations towards boys and girls different as you are growing up?, What's more important, cooperation or competitiveness? What makes you say so?.

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