love patterns - typical behaviour in a relationship, be prone to - have a tendency to do sth, breakup - the act of drifting apart/quiting relationships, be (a lot of) trial and error - sth that can be achieved through making mistakes, never settle for less - do not agree on getting less, romanticize - make sth appear more romantic can it is indeed, compromise communication - ignore communication, intense - strong, opposite ends of a magnet - people with different views and interest attract, be bound to - be sure to happen, tear the relationship apart - stop/ quit/ drift apart, enter a casual relationship - start a regular relationship, bed buddies - people who are together for an intimate reason, liberating - free, without commitments, commit to sb - promise, headspace is not in the right place - mind/ mental health is not ok, get out of a relationship - quit/ drift apart, wrecked - very upset, fill the void - try to recover quickly by doing sth else, jump into another relationship - begin another relationship, truly compatible - suit one another perfectly, a good egg - a perfect person, a likeable person, someone with a little more substance - s/o who is more interesting for you, the polished Kodak moments - perfect moments you want to remember, you're the one at fault - you are the one who is to blame, you can relate to this - sth can refer to you, you've got the same experience, kick in - become obvious/noticeable, scratch a head - think, doubt, have qualms, get through the storms together - overcome difficulties,
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