Tort - an action that harms another person´s body or property or takes away his or her freedom of action in some way , Invasion of Privacy - a person´s personal information as well as his or her body , Defamation - damaging someone´s good name or reputation , Abuse - physical, sexual, or verbal mistreatment, Assault - any threat or attempt to injure another person, Battery - unlawful touching of another person without their consent , False Imprisonment - a person is confined or retained against his/her will , Felony - a serious crime that carries a penalty of at least one year of imprisonment , Libel - untrue written statements that cause injury to a person’s reputation, Malpractice - providing bad care resulting in injury; act of commission, Misuse of Narcotics - using controlled drugs in a manner other than intended, Murder - taking ones life , Negligence - failure to provide care that is normally expected resulting in injury to the patient; act of omission, Practicing without a license - providing healthcare services without a license, Reasonable Care - egal obligation of healthcare professionals to provide care according to the standards of practice expected within their community of healthcare professionals, Slander - untrue spoken statements that cause injury to person’s reputation, Theft - taking another person’s possessions,

Legal Issues Affecting Healthcare Workers

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