1) The ... ate ice cream .... years ago a) Polish b) Japanese c) Chinese d) 200 e) 2000 f) 20000 2) The ancient Romans loved eating .... with ... and fruit a) water b) ice c) snow d) milk e) suger f) honey 3) The engredients were ... and it cost a lot to keep it ... a) old b) expensive c) cheap d) cold e) hot f) warm 4) They .... milk and rice and ... it in snow a) mixed b) sliced c) baked d) froze e) roasted f) added 5) You need some ... or ... and sugar to make ice cream a) cream b) milk c) butter d) bread e) snow f) flour 6) Some recipies use ... too a) water b) eggs c) salt d) pepper e) potatoes 7) Have you ever eaten ... ice cream with chocolate and ...? a) salt b) spicy c) sweet d) ice e) chilli f) cherry 8) You can also make ice cream with .... in it a) tomato chips b) chocolate sausage c) salty biscuits d) caramel garlic e) onion 9) There is ... ice cream and ...ice cream a) bread b) sausage c) cheese d) pasta e) tuna 10) There is even ... ice cream with ... in it a) yellow b) white c) black d) jellyfish e) charcoal f) leaves 11) The text is about ice cream a) true b) false 12) There are some unusual flavours a) true b) false 13) You can't use eggs to make ice cream a) true b) false 14) There is a black ice cream with rock in it a) true b) false 15) There is ice cream with leaves a) true b) false 16) There is ice cream with sausage or cheese a) true b) false 17) The Chinese ate ice cream more than 1000 years ago a) true b) false 18) People don't need butter to make ice cream a) true b) false 19) Ice cream is only for children  a) true b) false 20) In past , the ingridients were not cheap a) true b) false


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