1) How many letters are in the alphabet? a) 24 b) 26 c) 25 d) 30 2) Consonants are a) open accented sounds b) accented syllables c) blocked by the tongue, teeth or lips d) a, e, i, o, u 3) Vowels are a) open, voiced sounds b) blocked by tongue, teeth or lips c) sticking together like glue d) open, unvoiced sounds 4) An open accented syllable is coded a) with a ᵕ b) with a ᴧ c) with a ŋ d) with a ⚊ 5) The medial letters are a) m and n b) a and z c) all the letters between a and z d) l, m, n, o, p 6) _____, r, s, t a) u b) l c) r d) q 7) h, ___, j, k, l a) i b) g c) m d) h 8) What is the correct spelling of the word? a) Veeniz b) Venus c) Vynis d) Venis 9) What is the correct spelling of the word? a) sandee b) sande c) sandey d) sandy 10) What is the correct spelling of the word? a) werld b) world c) warld d) wold 11) What is the correct spelling a) bagging b) baging c) baginng d) bageing 12) What is the correct spelling? a) tradeing b) tradding c) tradeeng d) trading 13) What is the correct spelling? a) hiding b) hidding c) hideing d) hiddeng 14) What is the correct spelling? a) sipeing b) sipping c) siping d) sippying 15) Which word is not spelled correctly? a) sipping b) skill c) bos d) think 16) Which word uses the /k/ sound correctly? a) flick b) picnick c) scill d) banck 17) Which word is spelled correctly? a) rabit b) funy c) saddle d) medle 18) Which word is spelled correctly? a) luckky b) attic c) cabble d) webed


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