tomato - a food item often considered a vegetable but is actually a fruit, composting - the process of breaking down organic material to form fertilizer, legumes - Vegetarian customers consume proteins mostly or solely from ___________., corn - grain used to create grits, roll-in dough - another name for a laminating dough, bloom - the white coating that may appear on improperly stored chocolate, carbohydrate - pasta, potatoes, and cereal are examples of this type of nutrient, vegetables - the category of dish that usually follows entrées on a typical menu, fat - the nutrient that provides the greatest number of calories, Arborio - rice used for risotto, boiling - cooking method best for hard, starchy vegetables, poached - egg cooked in a pan of simmering water, salt, and vinegar, cleaning - the first step in preparing fruits and vegetables, plowhorse - a menu item that is less profitable but very popular, napping - drizzling a design on a dessert plate,

Culinary Arts 2 - Final Exam Review 1

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