1) What are some behaviors associated with child/teen anger a) Behaving rudely and disrespectfully to adults b) Running track and interacting positively with peers c) Declining academic standards; falling behind the mean for their age d) Forming good relationships e) Getting into altercations and fights with other students f) Making good grades 2) How can a child/teen manage their anger? a) Thinking before taking action and finding creative or physical outlets for anger. b) Problem solving — Coming up with more than one solution to a problem. c) Get mad at everything d) Stand up for your rights and fight e) Developing healthy and meaningful connections with a parent or guardian f) Yell and argue with everyone 3) How do you understand your anger? a) Recognizing what it feels like to be angry and understanding b) Brush it off because it is not anger it is everyone else c) Measure how often you get angry d) How do you react or behave when you feel angry e) Ignore your feeling because it is not anger f) Laugh it off 4) What causes anger in a teenager? a) It may be expressed as rage b) you could have fallen from your bike c) Feeling happy about something d) Negative reaction e) Ccan be a frightening emotion

Anger-related behavior in teenagers


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