1. Material level: Technology represented by the objects we can see and touch.: Core i7 Intel Desktop computer, Macbook Pro, 64Gb USB drive, 5D Mark 2 Cannon DSLR , voice recorder, Samsung Galaxy Tab S7, Promethean ActiveBoard, EPSON PowerLite Projector, 2. Multipurpose software. Big software packages developed for/by educational institutions. : eduKate LMS, Blackboard, EtonX, LearningHub, Google Classroom, Moogle, 3. Application and tools. Computer-mediated communication tools and specific applications.: Zoom, Audacity, Microsoft PowerPoint, Gmail, Skype, Padlet, OpenOffice Writer, Kahoot!, Minecraft, 4. Resource Level. Technologies that enable access to educational material.: twinkle.com, onestopenglish.com, newsinlevels.com, Linguascope, Kahoot materials, BBC News Article, Component technologies. They assist or support the functionality of a "parent" program or application in some way. : Padlet AI Image Generator, Microsoft Editor, PowerPoint spellchecker, Zoom captioning, Microsoft Word Immersive Reader,

TYLEC ICT - 5 Levels of Technology


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