arrogant, bossy, cowardly, sympathetic, materialistic, talkative, sensitive, sporty, modest, nasty, intelligent., arrogant, bossy, cowardly, sympathetic, materialistic, talkative, sensitive, sporty, modest, nasty, intelligent., arrogant, bossy, cowardly, sympathetic, materialistic, talkative, sensitive, sporty, modest, nasty, intelligent., arrogant, bossy, cowardly, sympathetic, materialistic, talkative, sensitive, sporty, modest, nasty, intelligent., arrogant, bossy, cowardly, sympathetic, materialistic, talkative, sensitive, sporty, modest, nasty, intelligent., arrogant, bossy, cowardly, sympathetic, materialistic, talkative, sensitive, sporty, modest, nasty, intelligent., arrogant, bossy, cowardly, sympathetic, materialistic, talkative, sensitive, sporty, modest, nasty, intelligent., arrogant, bossy, cowardly, sympathetic, materialistic, talkative, sensitive, sporty, modest, nasty, intelligent., arrogant, bossy, cowardly, sympathetic, materialistic, talkative, sensitive, sporty, modest, nasty, intelligent., arrogant, bossy, cowardly, sympathetic, materialistic, talkative, sensitive, sporty, modest, nasty, intelligent., arrogant, bossy, cowardly, sympathetic, materialistic, talkative, sensitive, sporty, modest, nasty, intelligent., arrogant, bossy, cowardly, sympathetic, materialistic, talkative, sensitive, sporty, modest, nasty, intelligent.,

Describe the person or thing using the words on the back.

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