Now I know what the farm animals look like!, But how did you get into the wood?, Did you go past the squirrels?, They were chatting and jumping all the way., Did you go along the river?, Did you see Mr.Beaver?, I went along the river and drank water there., But who is Mr. Beaver?, He is very clever and strict., He lives in the pile of branches near the river., He always knows what to do., He can't know everything., I'm the cleverest of all., And I know what to do better than he!, And she begins yelling and crying., Suddenly, a big brown pine cone hits her on the head and she falls down on the ground., Then a lot of pine cones start falling from the tree onto the goat., Gracie is afraid of it and she runs into the dark wood., The laughing squirrels get down from the tree., We are the bravest of all the wild animals. , We are not afraid of the scary animal., Did you see how fast that animal can run away?, You are silly things! , What are you doing?, We helped you and saved your life, little Brumsy-Jumsy!, Spooky animal won't eat you. , It was the scariest animal with horns in the wood., We are brave, aren't we?, You are the naughtiest animals in the wood., It wasn't the scariest animal., It was just a boastful goat!, And she was very unhappy!,



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