1) Which are not part of the cell theory? a) Cells come from cells b) Atoms are the basic unit for living things c) All living things have cells d) Cells are the basic unit of life 2) Who first discovered cells? a) Anton van Leeuwenhoek b) Theodore Schwann c) Mattias Schleiden d) Robert Cooke e) Rudolph Virchow 3) Prokaryotic cells have ... a) Chloroplasts b) Nucleus c) Ribosomes d) Lysosomes e) Vacuoles 4) Animal cells do not have a) Vacuoles b) DNA c) Vesicles d) Cell walls e) Rough ER 5) Which organelle breaks down dead things? a) Vesicles b) Lysosomes c) Vacuoles d) Smoth ER e) Cell Membrane 6) The chloroplast a) creates glucose from CO2, H2O and the sun b) Creates energy from glucose c) Breaks down dead things d) Is used for storage e) Creates glucose from O2, H2O and the sun 7) What does the Smooth ER produce a) Glucose b) Waster c) Protien d) Fats e) Energy 8) Why is cell size important a) So animals are too big b) For efficiency c) Otherwise we'd be too heavy d) They're so cute 9) Why is the cell membrane so important? a) It acts like a bumper if the cell bumps into something b) It's the outside of the cell c) It decided what enters and exits the cell d) To keep the cells shape 10) What does the mitochondria produce a) Glucose b) Energy c) Protien d) Lipids 11) Imagine In a cell, proteins are like products produced in a factory. Your task is to identify the organelle that acts as the final packaging and shipping center for these proteins before they are sent out to various parts of the cell or outside the cell. Which organelle is involved in this process? It generates energy for the cell. Which organelle would you associate with this crucial role? a) Nucleus b) Endoplasmic Reticulum c) Golgi Body d) Ribosome 12) Imagine the cell as a city and one organelle as the control center, managing all cellular activities and holding the genetic information. Which organelle is responsible for this important task? a) Lysosomes b) Nucleus c) Endoplasmic Reticulum d) Ribosome 13) You are part of a team that designs a new security system for cells. Your task is to identify the organelle responsible for detecting and eliminating foreign substances within the cell. Which organelle plays this crucial role? a) Endoplasmic Reticulum b) Nucleus c) Ribosomes d) Lysosomes



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