Freddy - Ready for ______?, Bonnie - Scott's nightmare, Chica - *PIZZA*, Foxy - "Yar-har-har-har-har! Never underestimate the cunning of a pirate. Or a fox for that matter!", Golden Freddy - The one you shouldn't have killed, Toy Freddy - "Mr. Hugs got me again!", Toy Bonnie - "Something borrowed... Something new..", Toy Chica - "You won't get tired of dying, will you?", Mangle - "I have seen him, the one you shouldn't have killed.", Puppet - "The other's are under my protection", Withered Freddy - "A grand reopening!", Withered Bonnie - "You blinked!", Withered Chica - "I was the first, I have seen everything...", Withered Foxy - "NO PLACE TO RUN... and exactly one place to hide.", Balloon Boy - Annoying laughter when he steals your double a BATTERIES, Springtrap - "I always come back.", Nightmare Freddy - "What a gift to relish, a victim that can't perish.", Nightmare Bonnie - ooo scary bunny, Nightmare Chica - ooo scary chicken, Jack O Chica - "Greetings from the fire, and from the one you shouldn't have killed.", Nightmare Foxy - Are you still in the closet bro?, Nightmare Fredbear - "We know who our friends are, and you are NOT one of them.", Nightmarionne - "Let's t-taste de-death ag-gain... and again... and ag-gain.", Dee Dee - "Uh-oh! How unfortunate! Uh-oh! How unfortunate! I'm gonna do a sneaky thing, and throw a new contender in the ring!", Circus Baby - "I guess you forgot about me.", Ballora - "All I see is an empty room... no more joy, an empty tomb...', Mr. Hippo - A very long speech, Funtime Foxy - “Showtimes are on the hour, not a moment before and not a moment later.”, Funtime Freddy - "[laughs] Well, hello again!", Molten Freddy - "Oh, what a pleasant surprise!",

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