Personification: Lightning danced across the sky, The wind howled in the night., The car complained as the key was roughly turned in its ignition., Rita heard the last piece of pie calling her name., My alarm clock yells at me to get out of bed every morning., The approaching car's headlights winked at me., My flowers were begging for water., The wildfire ran through the forest at an amazing speed., The moon smiled at the stars in the sky., Time flies when you're having fun., Alliteration: Come and clean the chaos in your closet., Go and gather the green leaves on the grass., Shut the shutters before the banging sound makes you shudder., Those lazy lizards are lying like lumps in the leaves., Paula planted the pretty pink poppies in the pot., Bake a big cake with lots of butter and bring it to the birthday bash., Paula's prancing pony out-performed all the others., Little Larry likes licking the sticky lollipop., Round and round she ran until she realized she was running round and round., Please put away your paints and practice the piano., Onomatopoeia: Boo, Bump, Buzz, Cheer , Clap, Fiz, Boom, Honk, Moo, Meow,
Personification, Alliteration, Onomatopoeia
3rd Grade
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