If I borrow a million pounds am I a millionaire?, If you were identified as being genetically inclined to do bad things should you be locked up before you do them?, If I say ‘I have a pound’ (because I felt a pound coin in my pocket) but when I take it out it’s actually a button, but then I find a pound (in another pocket), was I right or wrong in saying ‘I have a pound’ in the first place?, Does your dog/cat/horse love you the way you love it?, A wise man once said, “Love – and do as you wish.” Would that be a good way to lead a life?, Could you pretend to love someone? If you were good at it, would they ever know you were just pretending?, Which would be worse – a world without love or a world full of hate (or are they the same thing)?, Is there more future or past?, Can you be ‘best friends’ with more than one person? If so, what is the maximum number of best friends you can have?, Can you have a friend you don’t like?, Would you rather be a brave fool or a clever coward?, Which is more important, being right or being nice?, Are heroes ever scared?.
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