amazing - excellent, very good, bother - to annoy someone, comfortable - cozy, nice and feeling good, relax - to not be stressed, take a break, accident - something bad that happens by mistake, best - the most good, compete - to race or be in a competition, damage - to harm or hurt someone or something, danger - something that is not safe, something that can hurt you, during - at the same time, energy - power, fan - someone who loves someone famous or a sport team, traffic - cars and trucks on the road, explore - to travel and look around a new place, explain - to teach something by giving details, organized - neat, arranged nicely, sound - what you hear with your ears, smell - what you sense with your nose, taste - what you sense with your mouth, patient - wait and wait without getting angry, common - normal, usual, location - place, own - to have something that you bought, variety - many different kinds, attend - to go to an event or class, reliable - someone you can trust, border - the line between two countries,
WG2B Units 1 and 2 Vocabulary
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