dreadful - bad, terrible, barbed wire - a fence made of twisted sharp metal, for good - permanently, forever, orphan - no mama, no papa, whisper - speak with no voice, journey - a trip, a notice - a written announcement, torn - past participle of tear, ripped, worn - past participle of wear, wander - to walk around without direction, grasp - to hold something/to understand something, board - to get on an airplane, train, boat, shriek - high pitched scream or cry, runway - long flat surface where planes land and take off, leg of a journey - one part of a journey, sibling - brother or sister, bewildered - confused and very surprised, comprehend - understand, poverty - noun of poor, starvation - noun of starve, to die or almost die of hunger, as if - describes something that isn't true but is imagined, similar to "like",

LWTW chapters 14-16

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