1) What is the month of Hajj? a) Ramadan b) Rajab c) Thul-Hijja 2) What is Hajj means? a) Sawm or fasting b) Taraweeh prayer c) Reading Qur'an d) Pilgrimage 3) How many times we make Tawaf around the Kaaba? a) 7 times b) 8 times c) 6 times 4) What is Sae means? a) Back and forth between Safa and Marwa b) Prayer c) Iftar d) Dinner 5) What is the holly water that the Hajji drink? a) Coca-Cola b) Zamzam c) Orange juice 6) What does Hajj Mabrour mean? a) Congratulations b) May Allah accept your hajj c) Bless you d) Jazaka Allah Khairan 7) How many time do Muslims perform Hajj per year? a) Two times b) One time c) Four times 8) What Eid do Muslims celebrate in Hajj time? a) Eidul-Fitr b) Eidul-Adha c) Al-Hijrah d) President Day 9) Muslims start their Hajj with Ihram  a) True b) False 10) What is the benefits if you perform Hajj? a) You will be free of all your sins b) Allah will forgive only some sins c) People will celebrate you


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