relevant - important, applies to the situation appropriatly, access - ability to get something, bias - an opinion that affects how you see or think about something, deliberate - planned or done on purpose, detect - to discover or notice , distort - to change something so that it is false or misleading, engaged - interested and involved, objectivity - an idea, opinion or view that is NOT influenced by personal opinions, priority - something of high or serious importance, pop culture - life today; what is popular in media or entertainment NOw, sensational entertainment/news - information that tries to get you interested and emotional but may not be totally true or very important, exposure - you see or experience a lot of something, steady - constant, negative slant (angle) - news or information is presented as more bad than good., to be objective (adjective) - to be fair, just, unprejudiced , stereotypes - unfair beliefs that all people in a certain group are the same,

What is News? What is Bias? Blue Edge English 9

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