Practice Management System (PMS) - the administrative side of EHR. Allows for scheduling, patient demographics, billing, insurance, payments., Electronic Health Records (EHR) - Patient's medical and health care info, accessible to medical staff and providers with log-in credentials, Wave Scheduling - Allows for multiple patients in the same time period, patients are seen in the order they arrive. For example, scheduling 3 patients between 9-10 am., Double Booking - Books two patients at the same time., Cluster Scheduling - Scheduling groups of patients with the same needs during a period of time., CMS - Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services. A federal agency that oversees these programs., New Patient Time Required - 60 minutes, Established Patient Time Required - 15 minutes, Comprehensive Exam and Preventative Care (annual exam, physical) - 45-60 minutes, Urgent Patient Exam Time Requirements - 20 minutes, After Visit Summary - Information about follow up appointments, orders, education, financial info, and pt instructions The MA should review this with the patient, Deductible - The amount the patient must pay before the insurance pays, Co-Pay - Set dollar amount paid by the patient at the time of service, Coinsurance - The percentage of the allowed amount that the patient will pay after the deductible is met.,
Administrative Assisting
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