: Gobble, gobble!, A wild turkey likes to nibble on nuts, seeds, insects, a wild berry or a drink from a puddle., A wild male turkey will ruffle or fan them on display for a female turkey., Wild turkeys love to stay in a flock., They might not seem like the most nimble birds, but a wild turkey can fend for itself quite well., The number of wild turkeys dwindled, but people worked hard to bring it back up., At one point, it was a struggle to keep wild turkeys from being hunted., A whole gaggle might be seen heading into the middle of the woods, swamp or grassland., When you hear that sound, what bird do you think of?, Wild turkeys live freely in the woods and can fly up to a low branch to settle in and sleep for the night., wild, point, middle, gaggle, woods, branch, settle, night, dwindle, dwindled, people, nimble, birds, flock, display, quite, itself, fend, drink, nibble, puddle, berry, number, think, ruffle, male, female, turkey, , , , , , , 2 points, 2 points, 2 points,

Gobble, Turkey - Fluency Pre-read


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