1) What’s that warty, hog-like critter? 2) It’s a warthog! 3) A warthog has a lot of warts. 4) These hard bumps are all over the top of their flat heads. 5) The warts aren’t worthless. They protect their skin, which is 6) They protect their skin, which is nearly bald. 7) They have four sharp tusks and more hair on their backs. 8) Their hind quarters might have a little hair, too. 9) Is a warthog a strong fighter because they can run so fast? 10) That’s not really the case. 11) If a warthog feels a threat is on the way, they’ll run off to a safe place most of the time. 12) On a hot day, a warthog will cool off in water or mud. 13) Small birds will peck and eat tiny insects off their backs. 14) These tiny worthwhile workers are helpful for an itchy warthog. 15) Warthogs will live and raise their young in a den. 16) It’s possible for one warthog to give birth to a litter of four at a time. 17) A baby warthog will stay with its mother until it’s nearly four months old. 18) A warthog might look odd, but they’re more than just warts!

The Warty Warthog - Fluency Practice


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