: To browse the internet: Searching for information, visiting websites, and exploring content on the internet. I am browsing on the Internet about the international news.., To plug (your laptop) in: Connecting your laptop to a power source using a charger. I need to plug my laptop in because the battery is low., To sync devices: Two or more devices share the same data or settings. I need to sync my devices to have the same contacts and photos., To post an update: Sharing new information on a social media platform. I am posting an update from Instagram., To save a document: Storing a file on a computer or other device. Don't forget to save the document before closing the program., To stream a video: Watching a video in real time. I am going to stream a live video on my channel., To connect to a WI-FI: Joining a wireless internet network. I need to connect to the Wi-Fi network to access the internet., To upgrade your system: Improving the operating system or software on a device. I’m going to upgrade my operating system to improve performance.,

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