Volunteer - Give of your time and energy without pay to help others, Citizen - Member of a community such as a city, state, or country, Citizenship - The way you handle responsibilities as a citizen., Leadership - the direction or guidance that helps a group accomplish its goals, Motivate - To make someone feel enthusiastic, interested, and committed to a project or task., Entitled - Having a right or claim to something; allowed to expect., Leader - A person with the ability to guide and motivate others, Thrive - To survive and improve; to prosper; to flourish., Autocratic Leader - Leader who takes complete control of projects, activities, and decisions., Teamwork - When a group works together to reach a goal., Delegate - To assign responsibility or authority; to hand over., Elect - To select by vote for an office, position, or membership; to choose., Democratic Leader - A leader who involves everyone in the decision-making process.,

Ch. 5 Citizenship and Leadership Vocabulary Game

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