I hang out with my friends and make sleepovers when my parents out of city (usually), I see eye to eye with my parents on outfits (never), My siblings makes new friends, because he/ she is very reserved person (hardly ever), I don’t find people who I have a lot of interests in common (often), I am very friendly person that’s why it’s easy to make new friends for my (usually ), My mother apologizes to me if she is rude (rarely), I have arguments with my close friend , because we don’t see eye to eye on many questions (occasionally), It is really hard for me to get on well with other people because I’m very stubborn person (always), I am not communicative person that’s why I start to drift apart if I feel that person wants to spend more time with me (usually), I try to keep in touch with all my friends (always), It is hard for ‘‘em to make up with my parents after arguments (always), My classmate is strange person, I think he has not really big circle of friends (always).


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