1) Which prefix means: out of; away from? a) dis b) ex c) mis 2) The prefix that means not is (are)... a) dis b) un c) non d) all of the above 3) The word MISBEHAVE means a) to behave well b) to not behave c) Gosh, I need a lifeline! 4) The prefix that means in, into, and near is... a) il b) im c) en 5) What is the root in the word inject? a) in b) ject c) not sure! 6) What does the root "ject" mean? a) to be flexible b) to choose c) to throw 7) In the word INTERRUPT, what is the root? a) rupt b) in c) ter 8) What does the root "rupt" mean? a) to break b) to cut c) to look for 9) In the word INSPECT, what is the root? a) in b) spec c) ct 10) What does "spec" mean? a) drag b) look or see c) poison

Just Words Bonus Unit: Prefix/Roots


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