display - To show or put something where everyone can see it, reload - To fill something up again, like a game or a toy, elbow - The bendy part in the middle of your arm, complain - To say something isn’t fair or is annoying, maybe - Another way to say “possibly”, shadow - The dark shape made when something blocks the light, pillow - The soft thing you rest your head on when, raccoon - A small, furry animal with a mask-like face and striped tail, replay - To watch or do something again, like a favorite video, contain - To hold something inside, like a jar or a box, teacher - Someone who helps kids learn in school, oyster - A sea creature with a shell that can make pearls, untie - To undo a knot, like in shoelaces, delay - When something is late or takes longer to happen, coffee - A grown-up drink that smells strong and helps people wake up, monsoon - A season of heavy rain in some places,

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