el apellido - last name, el bisabuelo - great-grandfather, el biznieto - great-grandson, el esposo - husband, la madrina - godmother, el matrimonio - marriage; married couple, el nieto - grandson, el novio - boyfriend, la nuera - daughter in law, el padrino - godfather, el pariente - relative, el sobrino - nephew, el suegro - father in law, el yerno - son in law, la arena - sand, la brisa - breeze, el calor agobiante - stifling heat, el caracol - shell, hacer fresco - to be cool (weather), la orilla - shore, el puerto - port, la sombrilla - parasol / umbrella, ver el amanecer - to watch the sunrise, ver la puesta del sol - to watch the sunset, la canoa - canoe, el chaleco salvavidas - life jacket, la moto acuática - personal watercraft, el surfista - surfer, la tabla de surf - surfboard, el velero - sailboat, el voleíbol playero - beach volleyball, en absoluto - not at all, juntarse - to get together with, mantener el equilibrio - to keep the balance, marearse - to get seasick/dizzy, merendar - to have a snack, pararse - to stand up, parecerse a (alguien) - to look like (someone), recoger - to pick up, recostarse - to lie down, refrescarse - to cool down, refugiarse - to take refuge from, reunirse - to get together, el carro - car, la casa rodante - RV, conducir - to drive, la cubierta - deck (of a boat), la escapada - getaway, hacer un crucero - to go on a cruise,
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