they wont believe - what did moshe say, malkus - what is the punishment for lashon hara alef and bais, mosh deserved whip - hashem, it was a snake - why did moshe run away from his stick, moshe behaved snaky - what does rashi say about this sign, grabbed snake's tale - moshe stick returned, how?, yidden can believe - why did moshe get signs, tzoras - what was the next sign, signs 1snake 2tzoras - if they dont listen to __ then do _, dam blood - if they dont listen make a makka which one, idol first nile=idol - why was nile punished first, lisp from test kid - moshe cant talk well why in1-4words , blind mute deaf see - in4words explain H"s Question, pasuk yud bais - i will be with your mouth and teach you what to say which pasuk, aharon or moshiach - what is mosh refering when say help, aron be happy help - H was angry what did say, mosh tell aron say - in tes vov who will do what, aharon - moshe will be _____ master , do the signs - what does moshe nead to do with his stick, yisro's permission - mosh neads , he promised to ask - why did he nead to ask, poor=dead they=poor - doson,aviram dead how?, gave her son a bris - what did tziporah do , the snake malach - who is tziporah talking about when she says killer of my husband, meet moshe - hashem tells aron to, the signs - what did moshe tell aron, elders of yisroel - moshe & aharon gathered, signs - what did aron do?, kneeled and bowed - benay yisroel _________ And ________,

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