boy, oil, toy, joy, ploy, annoy, boil, joint, moist, coin, point, soy, coy, soy, join, royal, hoist, oink, soy, oyster, choice, deploy, voice, spoil, coy, destroy, Please do not flush that toy down the toilet. , Walt and Troy did join the soccer team. , The large pig did oink and enjoy his meal. , Do not bother a serpent if you see it in a coil. , Mom did tell the small boy to use his inside voice., Will you hoist me up into the truck?, want, water, wash, watch, wasp, wand, swamp, waltz, waffle, swat, wander, swan, worm, work, worth, world, worry, worse, worst, worthy, word, worm, work, worth, world, worry, worse, worst, worthy, word, Please wash your hands with soap and warm water. , Walt took his small boat to the swamp. , The wasp will warn you before he stings. , Do you want a glass of water or a glass of milk?, James will worry if he is late to work. , How much is the scarlet gem worth?, The black swan will hunt for a worm on the bank of the pond. , Could you help me spell a word?, Emmy has a tiny wart on the side of her hand. , My home is on the corner of a street in the third ward., 2 Points, 2 Points, 2 Points, 2 Points, , , , , , , , , .

Unit #19 Don't be Greedy - Bossy w & oi/oy - Vivian H.


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