1) The colour and wing pattern of the vice-roy butterfly makes it look like the toxic monarch butterfly so birds won't try to eat it. a) Structural b) Physiological c) Behavioral 2) The birch tree loses its leaves in winter to avoid damage from the weight of snow. a) Structural b) Physiological c) Behavioral 3) Robins find worms by keen eyesight and have quick movements to pounce on them a) Structural b) Physiological c) Behavioral 4) Cats look bigger and more threatening by hissing, spitting, arching their backs, puffing up their fur and sticking their tails up. a) Structural b) Physiological c) Behavioral 5) Foxes have sharp canines for piercing and holding onto prey. a) Structural b) Physiological c) Behavioral 6) Earthworms have two sets of muscles that alternately relax and contract to fatten and shorten or to stretch different sections of the body. a) Structural b) Physiological c) Behavioral 7) Penguins live in large communities. They make their nests side by side and after the chicks are born they all huddle together to stay warm.ral a) Structural b) Physiological c) Behavioral 8) Penguins can control the flow of blood through their layer of fat. When it is very cold almost no blood passes through the fat and they lose less heat. a) Structural b) Physiological c) Behavioral 9) At night chimps construct nests of leaves and branches 18-29 feet high in a tree. Males will hunt cooperatively for baby monkeys or bush pigs. a) Structural b) Physiological c) Behavioral 10) The desert creosote bush produces toxins that prevent other plants from growing nearby, reducing competition for nutrients and water. a) Structural b) Physiological c) Behavioral 11) Cacti are drought-resistant due to their absence of leaves, shallow root systems, ability to store water in their stems and waxy skin to seal in moisture. a) Structural b) Physiological c) Behavioral 12) During hibernation marmots take only 2-3 breaths a minute and their heartbeat slows down from 120 beats to 3-4 beats a minute. a) Structural b) Physiological c) Behavioral


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