Prejudice - Thinking badly of someone because of the group he/she belongs to., Discrimination - Treating someone differently (in a negative way) because of something about them., Positive Discrimination - Treating someone differently (in a positive way) because of something about them., Stereotyping - Having an overly simplified mental image of people and applying it to everyone in a group., Scapegoating - Blaming certain groups of people for problems in society., Tolerance - Respecting the beliefs and practices of others but not agreeing with them, Racism - Treating people differently because of the colour of their skin, Homophobia - Treating people differetly because of their sexual orientation (who they are attracted to), Xenophobia - Treating someone differently because of the country they are from., Ageism - Treating someone differently because of their age; whether they are old or young, Sexism - Treating someone differently because of their sex; whether they are male or female,

Prejudice and Discrimination Definitions

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