to cut off - to stop the supply of something such as electricity, gas, water etc, to drop off - to take someone or something to a place by car and leave them there on your way to another place, to get off - to leave public transport, to pick sb up - to let someone get into your car, boat etc and take them somewhere, to get on - to board public transport, to go off - 1)to explode or fire; 2) to make a sudden loud noise; 3)to become bad and not fit to eat or drink, to log off - to do the actions that are necessary when you finish using a computer system, to put sb off - to make you dislike something or not want to do something, to put sth off - to delay doing something or to arrange to do something at a later time or date, especially because there is a problem or you do not want to do it now, to set off - to begin a journey, to take off - 1)to remove a piece of clothing OPP put on; 2) if an aircraft ---s ---, it rises into the air from the ground SYN lift off, to tell sb off - to speak angrily to sb because they have done something wrong, to turn off - to make a machine or piece of electrical equipment such as a television, engine, light etc stop operating by pushing a button, turning a key etc SYN switch off OPP turn on, to come on - 1) used to tell someone to hurry;2)used to encourage someone to do something;3) used to tell someone that you know that what they have just said was not true or right, to get on (with) - to have a friendly relationship with sb, to go on - 1) to happen; 2)to continue doing something or being in a situation, to have sth on - 1) (informal) to have sth planned; 2)to be wearing particular clothes or items of clothing, to hold on - to wait for a short time,
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