1) f you had to start your own business right now, what type of business would you start? Why? 2) What was the best piece of professional advice you’ve ever received? How did it help you? 3) Are people more stressed out than they were 30 years ago? Why or why not? 4) Have you ever made an embarrassing mistake in English? What was it? 5) Do you think friends make good business partners? Why or why not? 6) What is the best customer service experience you’ve had? The worst? 7) If you didn’t have your current job, what would you be doing? 8) Do you think it’s important for high school and college students to work part-time jobs or do you think students should concentrate 100% on their studies? Explain. 9) Tell us about a time you solved a problem by coming up with a creative solution. 10) What’s the best decision you’ve ever made in your professional life? And the worst? 11) What countries would you not mind relocating to? Why? 12) Which of your employee benefits do you appreciate most? Why? 13) Non-financial incentives are better motivators than financial incentives. Do you agree with it? 14) Open floor plans are better than cubicle farms. Do you agree with it? Why? Why not? 15) Do you think it's OK for a company to look at their employees’ social media profiles? Why? 16) What sort of benefits does your company offer to you? What other perks would you like to have?


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