
University and higher education Education

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10 000+ результатов для 'university education'

Project Management
Project Management Викторина
Getting to know you
Getting to know you Случайное колесо
Lymph Nodes L3 A&P p2
Lymph Nodes L3 A&P p2 Диаграмма с метками
Per parlare di te.
Per parlare di te. Случайные карты
Relative Clauses Flip!
Relative Clauses Flip! Перевернуть плитки
A1 - Family members
A1 - Family members Откройте поле
Past Simple
Past Simple Правда или ложь
hard phrasal verbs match up
hard phrasal verbs match up Сопоставить
First Conditional
First Conditional Викторина
Present Perfect or past simple?
Present Perfect or past simple? Случайное колесо
Natural Disasters
Natural Disasters Сопоставить
Heart Диаграмма с метками
Computer Vocab
Computer Vocab Сопоставить
Comparatives Survey
Comparatives Survey Случайное колесо
Opinions Групповая сортировка
Writing Task 2 - speed thinking
Writing Task 2 - speed thinking Случайное колесо
Guess the country.
Guess the country. Викторина
Negative Prefixes (Unlock 5, Unit 9)
Negative Prefixes (Unlock 5, Unit 9) Групповая сортировка
Skull A&P P1
Skull A&P P1 Диаграмма с метками
Transport B1+
Transport B1+ Сопоставить
Features of a Text
Features of a Text Диаграмма с метками
The Skin
The Skin Диаграмма с метками
Money expressions (ICTE L5)
Money expressions (ICTE L5) Групповая сортировка
Safety Signs
Safety Signs Найди пару
Torso L3 Beauty A&P P1
Torso L3 Beauty A&P P1 Диаграмма с метками
Staan, liggen, zitten, hangen
Staan, liggen, zitten, hangen Откройте поле
Collocations: Prepositions (Prism 4, LS Unit 8)
Collocations: Prepositions (Prism 4, LS Unit 8) Групповая сортировка
Muscles of the face A&P P2 L3
Muscles of the face A&P P2 L3 Диаграмма с метками
Empower A2 ele 1b (verb be short answers)
Empower A2 ele 1b (verb be short answers) Викторина
Reported Speech questions
Reported Speech questions Случайное колесо
Personal pronouns
Personal pronouns Закончите предложение
Would you rather / prefer.... (jobs)
Would you rather / prefer.... (jobs) Случайные карты
Business Vocab Builder 54.1 Describing trends
Business Vocab Builder 54.1 Describing trends Сопоставить
Business Vocab Builder 54.2 Describing trends
Business Vocab Builder 54.2 Describing trends Сопоставить
SPEAKING WHEEL (random topics)
SPEAKING WHEEL (random topics) Случайное колесо
Colour the numbers.
Colour the numbers. Случайные карты
Articles Викторина
Problem-Solving Групповая сортировка
AC1-01 Passive voice
AC1-01 Passive voice Викторина
Symptoms Сопоставить
Piaget Key Words
Piaget Key Words Сопоставить
Synonyms In Company Upper Pg 61
Synonyms In Company Upper Pg 61 Сопоставить
Reasons for observing children
Reasons for observing children Викторина
Simple present wh questions speaking activity
Simple present wh questions speaking activity Случайное колесо
Introductions Случайное колесо
Connectives Групповая сортировка
Gerund or infinitive?
Gerund or infinitive? Закончите предложение
Cause and Effect Warmer
Cause and Effect Warmer Сопоставить
Relative clauses review
Relative clauses review Викторина "Игровое шоу"
Speaking: nature & environment
Speaking: nature & environment Случайное колесо
Understanding the vocabulary of essay titles
Understanding the vocabulary of essay titles Групповая сортировка
快乐汉语 说一说
快乐汉语 说一说 Откройте поле
Мебель 3.1
Мебель 3.1 Диаграмма с метками
Strong words! Adjectives equivalents
Strong words! Adjectives equivalents Сопоставить
Comparative and Superlative
Comparative and Superlative Викторина
Irregular verbs spinner 1
Irregular verbs spinner 1 Случайное колесо
Irregular verbs spinner 2
Irregular verbs spinner 2 Случайное колесо
Irregular verbs spinner 4
Irregular verbs spinner 4 Случайное колесо
Irregular verbs spinner 3
Irregular verbs spinner 3 Случайное колесо
Impromptu Speech Topics (Talk for a minute)
Impromptu Speech Topics (Talk for a minute) Случайные карты
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