1) main events in a play, novel, or movie a) plot b) man vs. society c) man vs. technology d) static character 2) people, animals, things in a play, novel or movie (the who) a) man vs. man b) man vs. technology c) Characters d) falling action 3) place where the play novel or movie takes place a) setting b) Static Character c) man vs. society d) climax 4) The subject of the story, message, central idea a) theme b) dialogue c) setting d) protagonist 5) a challenge or problem the protagonist must overcome a) man vs. technology b) rising action c) man vs. man d) conflict 6) characters speaking a) dialogue b) resolution c) Dynamic Character d) man vs. technology 7) occurs at the conclusion of the story when the conflict is resolved a) resolution b) man vs. man c) static character d) falling action 8) series of events where action builds a) Characters b) theme c) protagonist d) rising action 9) h point or turning point a) man vs. technology b) climax c) rising action d) dynamic character 10) series of events that follows the climax a) falling action b) rising action c) Round Character d) Characters 11) the leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text; the "good" guy a) resolution b) man vs. man c) plot d) protagonist 12) a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; the "bad" guy a) resolution b) Static Character c) Flat Character d) antagonist 13) changes throughout the story a) Dynamic Character b) man vs. society c) dynamic character d) setting 14) stays the same throughout the story a) resolution b) man vs. nature c) static character d) Round Character 15) person(s) against another person(s) a) man vs. man b) setting c) antagonist d) conflict 16) a character against a storm, mountain, etc. a) man vs. nature b) rising action c) antagonist d) dynamic character 17) a character against what most people think is right or wrong a) Characters b) dialogue c) man vs. society d) man vs. nature 18) a character against science elements or technology a) plot b) theme c) man vs. technology d) resolution 19) a character that is not developed well, has few character traits and usually sterotypical a) dialogue b) falling action c) Flat Character d) static character 20) well developed, everything is known about the character, usually a protagonist or antagonist a) resolution b) rising action c) Round Character d) Dynamic Character 21) Changes mentally or emotionally throughout the story. Can be for the better or worse a) man vs. man b) resolution c) Dynamic Character d) rising action 22) Stays the same throughout the story. a) Static Character b) antagonist c) man vs. nature d) man vs. technology

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