1) The structure of an element that cannot be separated by chemical or physical reactions a) atomic b) fission c) fusion d) strong nuclear force e) weak nuclear force f) radioactive decay 2) Process of splitting an atom, resulting in new byproducts being produced and large amounts of energy being released. a) atomic b) fission c) fusion d) strong nuclear force e) weak nuclear force f) radioactive decay 3) Process of combining atoms, resulting in new byproducts being produced and large amounts of energy being released. a) atomic b) fission c) fusion d) strong nuclear force e) weak nuclear force f) radioactive decay 4) Strongest force that acts over the shortest distance and holds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus. a) atomic b) fission c) fusion d) strong nuclear force e) weak nuclear force f) radioactive decay 5) A force that governs the decay of subatomic particles. a) atomic b) fission c) fusion d) strong nuclear force e) weak nuclear force f) radioactive decay 6) Alpha - helium nucleus is released a) atomic b) fission c) fusion d) strong nuclear force e) weak nuclear force f) radioactive decay 7) Beta - small subatomic particle a) atomic b) fusion c) fission d) strong nuclear force e) weak nuclear force f) radioactive decay 8) Gamma - energy photon a) atomic b) fusion c) fission d) strong nuclear force e) weak nuclear force f) radioactive decay

Rodriguez-Nuclear Chemistry Pac-Man


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