Good Hygiene: Wearing new socks every day, Wearing deodorant daily, Showering daily, Changing your clothes after sweating/working out, Wash your hands before you eat, Washing your face before bed, Taking a shower after exercise/sweating, Flossing daily, Wear sunblock, Replace your toothbrush every 6 months and after you have been sick, Poor Hygiene: Only wear deodorant some days, Sleeping in dirty clothes, Not washing your hands in the bathroom, Sneezing into your hands, Wearing the same shirt 3 days in a row, Showering once or twice per week, Spraying myself with perfume/AXE rather than taking a shower, Popping a zit in class, Rather than washing my feet, just let the water run over them, Brush my teeth for 30 seconds daily,

Personal Hygiene



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